

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 温州 乐清市 柳市镇 新光工业区耀华工业园内
  • 姓名: 高亮
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电子 连接件 条形连接器
  • 发布日期:2017-04-10
  • 阅读量:288
  • 价格:1.53 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:A7
  • 产品数量:1.00 件
  • 包装说明:1
  • 发货地址:浙江温州乐清市柳市镇  
  • 关键词:UK接线端子,成套端子配件,TBTC接线排,铜鼻子,X3塑料,工程通讯信号连接器


    认证标准?Certification?standards	UL	IEC
    额定电压?Rated?voltage	600V	800V
    额定电流?Rated?current	24A	32A
    线?径?Wire?diameter	24-12AWG	0.2-2.5mm2
    宽度/厚度/高度(mm)??Width/Thickness/Height	42.5/6.2/40.5
    额定冲击电压/污染等级??Rated?impulse?voltage/Class?of?pollution	8kV/3
    剥线长度??Stripping?length	8?mm
    螺钉规格/扭距??Screw?specification/Torsion?Torque	M3/0.6-0.8N.m
    塞规??Plug?gauge	A3
    绝缘材料/阻燃等级??Insulation?material/Flame?retardant?grade	PA66/V1
    1.关于发票:本公司实体店与网店同步经营,可开具增值税发票(报价不含税.开票需加12% 金额1000开始开票,小额可以累加起来一起开)需开发票请留言备注或与客服说明,否则视为自动放弃发票。
    在线时间周一到周六 (早8点-下午5点)周日接单统一周一发货
    销售/投诉:0577-62791186    售后/技术咨询:0577-62791185  传真:0577-62793388
    Buyer Information (please contact customer service)
    1. Invoice: The company's store and shop to operate simultaneously, can issue a VAT invoice (quote without tax. Billing need to add 12% of the amount of 1000 to start billing, small can be added together to open) to be invoiced message Remarks Or with customer service instructions, otherwise it is deemed to automatically abandon the invoice.
    2. On the receipt: Please be sure to check the inventory in time after receipt, if missing, please feedback within 24 hours. If the shipment after the damaged packaging, please do not directly devanning, we must take pictures once again weighed, strange and leaked please direct refusal.If the long way to send the logistics package damaged please remind us, the next shipment Must be strictly packaged.
    3. On the delivery: the general day of the day can be the same day delivery. Afternoon single day delivery. Time to allow the day of shipment, (warehouse models of various models have 10,000 -5 million inventory) the rest of the big single by the two sides talk about the contract time to ship.
    4. On the freight: OUR default tact, Hundred Days Huitong Express, for other courier, please fill the freight difference, courier fees charged by the actual weight. Large single items recommended to take the logistics, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai generally a box of 10 yuan, 15-25 a box in other areas, it is recommended to take the logistics to pay the freight.
    online time Monday to Saturday (8 am - 5 pm) Sunday Uniform Monday delivery
    Sales / Complaints: 0577-62791186 After Sales / Technical Advisory: 0577-62791185 Fax: 0577-62793388
    Corporate website: http: ///
    The following are the same as the "
    friendly reminder:
    1. During the installation process, confirm that the guide rail and its terminals are well fixed.
    2. Use the process to monitor the terminal board regularly.
    3. Replace the maintenance process attention to cut off the power.
    4. Classification Recycling after use of the terminal, to avoid environmental pollution
    欢迎来到乐清市望博电气有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省温州乐清市新光工业区耀华工业园内,老板是赵旭培。 主要经营乐清市望博电气有限公司专业生产UK、SAK等多种端子及配件、TC/TB端子排、导线连接器,居市场中高端。模具加工细腻,品质优良,居市场中高端,优惠活动 年采购量达到20万返现金5%。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司主营:接线端子,电流端子排,导线连接器,电气配件,电子元件,五金件等产品,是一家优秀的电子产品公司,拥有优秀的高中层管理队伍,他们在技术开发、市场营销、金融财务分析等方面拥有丰富的管理经验,选择我们,值得你信赖!